

In Europe airfields were available along the coast and inland as well, from the border between Norway and Russia in the North, all the way down to the south of France.

Guide Norway

Information to be added in the future […]

Airfield Reference
Flugplatz Berlevaag Flugplatz Berlevaag
Flugplatz Svartnes Flugplatz Svartnes
Seefliegerhorst Billefjord Seefliegerhorst Billefjord
Seefliegerhorst Kvalbukta Seefliegerhorst Kvalbukta
Leithorst Banak Leithorst Banak
Fliegerhorst Kirkenes-Land Fliegerhorst Kirkenes-Land
Seefliegerhorst Kirkenes-See Seefliegerhorst Kirkenes-See
Seefliegerhorst Tromsö Seefliegerhorst Tromsö
Fliegerhorst Bardufoss Fliegerhorst Bardufoss
Fliegerhorst Hattefjell Fliegerhorst Hattefjell
Fliegerhorst Oerlandet Fliegerhorst Oerlandet
Fliegerhorst Lade Fliegerhorst Lade
Seefliegerhorst Drontheim-See Seefliegerhorst Drontheim-See
Fliegerhorst Gossen Fliegerhorst Gossen
Fliegerhorst Herdla Fliegerhorst Herdla
Fliegerhorst Gardemöen Fliegerhorst Gardemöen
Fliegerhorst Oslo-Fornebu Fliegerhorst Oslo-Fornebu
Flugplatz Vaaler Flugplatz Vaaler
Flugplatz Eggemoen Flugplatz Eggemoen
Fliegerhorst Sola-Land Fliegerhorst Sola-Land
Seeflugplatz Sola-See Seeflugplatz Sola-See
Flugplatz Forus Flugplatz Forus
Fliegerhorst Lister Fliegerhorst Lister
Fliegerhorst Mandal Fliegerhorst Mandal
Fliegerhorst Kjevik Fliegerhorst Kjevik

Guide Denmark

Information to be added in the future […]

Airfield Reference
Flugplatz Frederikshavn Flugplatz Frederikshavn
Fliegerhorst Aalborg-West Fliegerhorst Aalborg-West
Seeflugplatz Aalborg-See Seeflugplatz Aalborg-See
Flugplatz Aalborg-Ost Flugplatz Aalborg-Ost
Seefliegerhorst Thisted Seefliegerhorst Thisted
Flugplatz Rom Flugplatz Rom
Fliegerhorst Grove Fliegerhorst Grove
Fliegerhorst Tirstrup Fliegerhorst Tirstrup
Flugplaytz Rye Flugplaytz Rye
Fliegerhorst Vejle Fliegerhorst Vejle
Fliegerhorst Vaerlöse Fliegerhorst Vaerlöse
Fliegerhorst Kastrup Fliegerhorst Kastrup
Flugplatz Esbjerg Flugplatz Esbjerg
Fliegerhorst Odense Fliegerhorst Odense
Fliegerhorst Hadersleben Fliegerhorst Hadersleben
Fliegerhorst Skrydstrup Fliegerhorst Skrydstrup


Denmark has got a large number of airfields, that were used by the Germans during occupation. The airfields were strenghtened with heavy bunkers, most of them built according to fortress standards. For this topic we have consulted the book ‘German Bunkers in Denmark’, by Rudi Rolf and Jens Andersen. It describes most of the airfields mentioned on our website.

Stahlbeton global positioning map –


Depicted is the aerial view of former Fliegerhorst Grove. The airfield was strenghtened with a high number of heavy bunkers, most of them built according to fortress standards. On top of this, the Grossraumgefechtstand “Gyges” was built here by the Luftwaffe, supporting its Nachtjagd.

Guide Germany

Information to be added in the future […]

Airfield Reference
Fliegerhorst Stade Fliegerhorst Stade
Flugplatz Nordholz Flugplatz Nordholz
Seefliegerhorst Weddewarden Seefliegerhorst Weddewarden
Fliegerhorst Braunschweig-Waggum Fliegerhorst Braunschweig-Waggum
Fliegerhorst Delmenhorst-Adelheide Fliegerhorst Delmenhorst-Adelheide
Seefliegerhorst Zwischenahn Seefliegerhorst Zwischenahn
Flugplatz Varel-Friedrichsfeld Flugplatz Varel-Friedrichsfeld
Fliegerhorst Wittmundhafen Fliegerhorst Wittmundhafen
Flugplatz Brockzetel Flugplaytz Brockzetel
Flugplatz Plantlünne Flugplatz Plantlünne


Germany has a large number of airfields as well, that were operational during the war. Due to the fact that we focus mainly on the coastal regions, the selected airfields are situated near the coast. Also, this selection has been made due to practical reasons. We don’t have much information on this topic unfortunately, so we used the internet as a main source. Nevertheless, the internet showed us some airfields that still hold interesting features.


We have choosen the aerial view of former Fliegerhorst Delmenhorst. According to sources, the airfield was a textbook example of how a Fliegerhorst should look like. To begin with the many buildings that were erected within the complexes Caspari-Kaserne and Boelcke-Kaserne. Further research will follow.

Guide Holland

Information to be added in the future […]

Airfield Reference
Fliegerhorst Leeuwarden Fliegerhorst Leeuwarden
Flugplatz Eelde Flugplatz Eelde
Flugplatz De Vlijt Flugplatz De Vlijt
Seeflugplatz De Mok Seeflugplatz De Mok
Flugplatz De Kooij Flugplatz De Kooij
Flugplatz Havelte  Flugplatz Havelte
Flugplatz Bergen Flugplatz Bergen (see Freie Küste Schoorl – Castricum)
Leithorst Schiphol Leithorst Schiphol
Seeflugplatz Schellingwoude Seeflugplatz Schellingwoude
Fliegerhorst Twente Fliegerhorst Twente
Flugplatz Hilversum Flugplatz Hilversum
Flugplatz Katwijk Flugplatz Katwijk
Fliegerhorst Soesterberg Fliegerhorst Soesterberg
Landeplatz Teuge Landeplatz Teuge
Fliegerhorst Deelen Fliegerhorst Deelen
Flugplatz Haamstede Flugplatz Haamstede
Fliegerhorst Volkel Fliegerhorst Volkel
Leithorst Gilze-Rijen Leithorst Gilze-Rijen
Fliegerhorst Eindhoven Fliegerhorst Eindhoven
Fliegerhorst Woensdrecht Fliegerhorst Woensdrecht
Fliegerhorst Venlo Fliegerhorst Venlo


For our home country Holland, we have consulted the book ‘Vliegvelden In Oorlogstijd, Nederlandse Vliegvelden Tijdens Bezetting En Bevrijding 1940-1945’ for information on this topic. As a result, we have a detailed overview of all airfields in Holland that were used by the Luftwaffe. However, field research still remains the important component of collecting information onsite.


Displayed is the aerial view of former Fliegerhorst Deelen, which is worth a visit for many reasons. To begin with, it was the largest airfield in Holland with a surface of approximately 40 km². Driving around gives you a good impression of how big it actually was during the war. Secondly, many building, hangars and bunkers still remain and are free to visit. The 'Heimatschutz Architecture' is clearly present on many buildings of complexes Klein-Heidekamp, Groot-Heidekamp, Vrijland, Kop van Deelen and Divisionsdorf. In addition, the Grossraumgefechtstand “Diogenes” was built here by the Luftwaffe, supporting the Nachtjagd in Holland, Belgium and parts of Germany.

Guide Belgium

Information to be added in the future [...]

Guide France

Information to be added in the future [...]

Airfield Reference
Fliegerhorst Brest-Nord Fliegerhorst Brest-Nord (see Freie Küste Bretagne)

Guide England

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