Stützpunktgruppe Le Tréport
Stützpunktgruppe Dieppe
Stützpunktgruppe Fécamp
Festung Le Havre
Stützpunktgruppe Trouville
Stützpunktgruppe Villers
Festung Cherbourg
Freie Küste
In Normandie bunkers were situated all along the coast starting far up north at the village of Le Tréport, following the coastline down passing the city of Le Havre and Cherbourg, and ending south before reaching Saint-Malo. The area consisted of 6 Stützpunktgruppen, and the city of Le Havre and Cherbourg received the status of Festung, because of the important ports they held. Nevertheless, the strongpoint groups of Le Tréport, Dieppe and Fécamp, as well as the D-Day beaches, are worth a visit.

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