Stützpunktgruppe Flugplatz Odense
Stützpunktgruppe Flugplatz Vandel
Verteidigungsbereich Esbjerg
Stützpunktgruppe Fanö
Stützpunktgruppe Nymindegab
Freie Küste
In Syddanmark bunkers were mainly concentrated along the coastal region between the city of Esbjerg and Nymindegab. The area consisted of 5 Stützpunktgruppen and 1 Verteidigungsbereich. The region holds many interesting sites such as Naval batteries, airfields and harbour. In our opinion Verteidigungsbereich Esbjerg deserves special attention because of the many bunkers built within this defense area, a combination of infantry strongpoints, anti-aircraft batteries and even a Fliegerhorst, all together packed in a rather small surface area.

Stahlbeton global positioning map –